

We offer

sort-separated recycling

never pay extra to recycle

The sort-separated method is the only way proven for effective recycling

Policies Apply: See Below


How to Recycle with
QT Disposal :

Place sort-separated recyclables in clear bags (yard and leaf style bags).

Each recyclable category listed below (Mixed Metals, Cardboard, Mixed Paper, Plastics #1 and #2, Glass, Newsprint) needs to be separated from other recyclable categories. Only recyclables within the same category may be in one clear bag.

Example: Only mixed metal in one bag. Only glass in one bag. Only mixed paper in one bag. Etc.

Recycling is collected on regular trash day.

Clear plastic bags for your recyclables can be placed in your trashcan along with your other trash bags, may be left next to the trash container, or you may purchase a separate recycling-trash container for the recycling bags.

Recycling is as much about integrity as it is about actual recycling

References to all recycling centers can be provided upon request. It’s important to know that your recyclables are being recycled!


Recyclables Accepted


Mixed Metals

Mixed metals will now be accepted

Aluminum (beer and soda cans, plates, trays), must be rinsed

Canned Food (vegetable, soup, dog/cat food cans), must be rinsed

Metal Coat Hangers

Labels may be left on cans.



Cardboard boxes will now be accepted

Large corrugated cardboard, broken down and flattened

Any cardboard that can fit in a clear bag needs to be in a clear bag. Only large pieces of cardboard can be left loose next to your container.

Boxes filled with trash will be considered contaminated and can not be recycled


Mixed Paper

Food boxes

Craft paper

Junk Mail

Brown Paper Bags

Colored Paper



Plastic #1and #2

Bagged plastic #1 and #2 containers will now be accepted

Bottles (water and soda), must be rinsed

Clear or Colored

Milk Jugs, must be rinse

Detergent Bottles

NOTE: Please double check the recycling # on salad containers, fruit containers, soft cheese containers, deli meat containers, etc. as these recyclables will often be number #5 and #7, which are not allowed.

Including plastic #3-#9 in your recycling results in contamination and then your plastics will not be recycled. If you can not read the recycling number or you can not find the number on the container, throw it away with the trash. “When in doubt, throw it out”



Glass will now be accepted



Clear or Colored

Labels may be left on the glass



Newspapers will now be accepted

No glossy inserts or magazines


Plastic Films

#1 and #4 plastic Films

Plastic Grocery Bags

Clean Zip-lock style baggies

Produce and Bread Bags

No unclean food storage bags, frozen food or salad bags, or cling film


Items NOT accepted

Plastics #3-7



Yard Waste



Recyclables are taken to the Ivy Convenience Center, M&M Salvage, and Greene Solid Waste.

References from these facilities can be provided upon request.